Established in 1983, CONUSUB provides support in the subaqueous environment for Science, Engineering and Government agencies. CONUSUB is unique in its ability to adapt, comprehend and implement the latest technologies. Our experienced staff through consultation and coordination meets client objectives safely and on time.
- Surface-supplied and scuba diving operations
- Closed and Semi-Closed Circuit Rebreather systems
- Remote-sensing surveys
- Device fabrication and installation
- Environmental/archaeological investigations
- CCTV and digital imaging with output to all modern recording formats
- NDT, UT gauging, laser measurement and UV fluorescent detection
- CP measurement and installation of cathodic protection systems
- Construction, fabrication and welding services
- Machine/tool design & fabrication
- Maritime/Homeland security
- Hazardous materials response
- Captain and vessel charter support services
- Computer graphic and print design production
- AutoCAD
- Research/technical report writing
CONUSUB is fully insured and in compliance with all applicable government and commercial diving regulations, including U.S. Coast Guard/D.O.T. diving regulations (46 CFR 197, Subpart B) and Occupational Safety And Health Administration/D.O.L. diving regulations (29 CFR 1910.401 - 1910.441, Subpart T). In addition CONUSUB conforms with or exceeds the requirements established by the ADC , AAUSand the USACE.